
Friday, August 31, 2012

7 Week Bumpdate

I'm so excited that with this pregnancy I have a way to document other than Facebook.  I love the idea of "Bumpdates" and wish I did them with Peyton.  So along with documenting this pregnancy I will also share stories of my first, with Peyton, just so I can compare and also have a record of my first born :)

How far along? 7 weeks

What I'm craving?: Mushrooms…omg mushrooms.  I want to sauté’ them every night.  And each meal I cook has to have mushrooms in them!  Also, chocolate milk.  I’m always a fan and drink it most days but now that is multiplied by 10…I NEED a glass before I go to bed!

Funny/Memorable Story Of The Week:  Peyton told me “Look at me Mommy (as she sticks her belly out), I got a baby in my belly too.  Can you kiss my belly, kiss the baby?”  I laughed so hard. 

Weight Gain: Seriously I think I’ve gained 4lbs.  What the what?!!

Doctor Appointments: Have my first official appointment September 7.  Things have definitely changed at my OB office since I was pregnant with Peyton.  They don’t want to actually see you until 8 weeks.  The first consult is done over the phone by the nurse. 

I’m actually kinda glad because last time I found out so early, just like with this pregnancy, that when I got my blood drawn my HCG levels were low (I had no idea really how far along I was when I got the positive test with P).  And because of that they thought I was going to have a miscarriage.  I was told to stay home and rest as much as possible and call my midwife when I started bleeding and go straight to ER. Thankfully, nothing like that happened, and come to find out my levels were just low because I came in so early.  At 6 weeks they did an ultrasound to show how far along I was and they were all shocked that it was just 6 weeks.  I went in at first at 3 weeks. 

Work Out Regimen: Workout?  What’s that?  No seriously, after my doctor’s appointment I will get to doing a some light abdominal work outs and keeping up with squats.  I really don’t want my body getting to far out of control. 

What's Going On With Momma?:  This pregnancy is sooo different from Peyton’s.  I guess already having a baby, being cut open, and (ahem) not working out as much as I should has lead to me showing a little earlier this time.  I mean that grace period of bigger boobs and flat tummy are gone and it sucks lol!  I’m not ready to show yet because showing now just makes me look fat, humph. 

I thought I was exhausted last time…boy was I wrong!  I didn’t know what exhausted was until this 1st trimester.  Definitely having another child to run around after will wear you down faster and more. 

Oh the many times a day I pee.  Yes that has come full force.

Boy or Girl:  Have no clue yet but we will find out.  I don’t even have a inclining of what I think we might have yet, not momma instinct.  Though I was wrong last time so I guess I shouldn’t trust any gut feeling I may have before we find out haha!

Sleep:  Like a rock until the last couple nights when I have been waking up to pee, then can’t get back to sleep.  I’m hoping this subsides for awhile, and starts soon.

Movement: None.

What I Miss:  Not missing anything yet.  Though, I know I only have a month or so of being able to sleep on my stomach. 

What I'm Looking Forward To: This 4 days weekend.  3 days at the river then taking off to take Peyton to her first day of preschool.  Sigh, she is growing up too fast!

How Baby’s Growing: Size of a blueberry, according to all the pregnancy apps I have on my phone, ha!

The Big Sister: Peyton is getting used to talking about the baby and refering to herself as a big sister.  As I've said she also thinks she has a baby in her belly, so I know she doesnt' quite grasp the concept yet but she will once I'm farther along.  I try to bring it up and talk about it everyday just so she remembers and so she can be a part of the process.  

She has been asking for a baby for about a year now, so there is no negative feelings toward Mommy and Daddy bringing another baby home.  

I am so excited to see her with this baby.  I can't wait for her to hold him/her, give kisses, and help out.  She is such the "little momma" anyway that I know she will want to be hands on and I will encourage it.  My biggest fear is her feeling neglected or left out.  I know I will have many more of these moments and feelings about bringing another baby into our family, so I want her to be as involved in this as she possibly can. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

What I Want To Do

{writing this post so that I will have it documented when I get that pregnancy brain and can’t remember anything}

As I know it is early, very early, but because this is my second time at this pregnancy thing I am already planning out what I want to happen when it comes to delivering and nurturing this baby. 

Peyton was breech, so she was a scheduled c-section.  I was even convinced to have an ECV, which let me tell you I DO NOT RECOMMEND and it should be outlawed – yes that’s how strongly I feel about this.  It was more pain and nerve wracking than actually having a c-section. 

This time around I want to try a VBAC.  I know some of you think I’m crazy but I want to try to have that natural experience.  Yes my c-section went wonderfully…it was a dream, but I at least want to try vaginal birth.  My surgeon said that everything looked fine while she was digging around in my uterus; (this just makes me giggle) that the only reason it looked like as to why Peyton was breech was because her umbilical cord was tangled and acting like a rubber band keeping her from turning head down.  But everything else, ahem, was in normal working order. 

Starting around 29 weeks I am going to start doing the exercises and frozen pea practice to make sure this baby, if it can, turns head down.  I am determined y’all!! J

Then if I DO have to have another c-section I want to wait longer before I deliver.  I want it to be less than a week before my due date, let the baby bake some more.  Peyton was delivered a full week before my due date, and though I know that happens naturally there was not indication on impending labor - I was not dialated but 2cm when I went in for surgery.  I want to wait as long as medically possible.

Next thing on my list of want-tos is breast feeding again.  I swore after I stopped only 2.5 short months of nursing with Peyton that I would never try again…but here I am wanting to give it another go.  My husband my kill me.  However, I will do things a lot differently.  I will start pumping right after I get on a good schedule.  Hoping since I’ve done it before I might produce more milk.  And I will be introducing the bottle a lot sooner. So then I am not the only one all day everyday after the first few weeks feeding like a cow this child.  And also if it doesn’t work out again it won’t be such a hard transition to bottle feeding exclusively with formula.  I may even supplement with formula if I’m not producing as much as I’d like…but we will see. 

All I know is I will have more of a voice this time around and go with my gut.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Shhhh....we have a sercret!

The time has finally come...

we are expecting Baby Holt #2!!!

We couldn't be more exited and relieved.  It's been a long road to get here, a road I didn't travel on the first "go 'round" but God has blessed us with another child.  The last piece of the puzzle to make our family complete.

I found out with an at home pregnancy test Monday, August 6.  I took the first one after lunch in my work place's bathroom (memorable right?).  I waited for the inevitable only one line...but this time, this time there were two!  A very faint test line appeared and I couldn't believe it!  For conformation I took my pee stick to a co-worker and asked her to look at it to make sure I wasn't imagining things (poor girl lol)...and sure enough she said she saw that second line.

I was in disbelief for the rest of the work day, though, the reason I tested was because I had a feeling I was pregnant.  So I spend the next 4 hours planning how I was going to tell Jeffrey. 

When I got home I went straight to take the other two tests in the box, I was only going to take one and leave the other for later in the week (you see when I found out I was only 3weeks 2days, hadn't missed my period yet and wanted to take one the day after it was supposed to come for further confirmation...well I had to buy more ha!) but took them both.  And they came out with the same result...faint test line, but two pink lines nonetheless.

Jeffrey had been working, manual labor, setting up for our county fair all day so I knew he would need a shower when he got home.  So I taped the 3 tests to the mirror knowing he wouldn't miss them.  When he got home we talked and he and Peyton talked about her day, then I asked him didn't he need a shower?  He looked at me confused and said he would go in a bit.  This was torture...JUST GO IN THE BATHROOM ALREADY!!  When he did I followed him with my phone to take a video.  This was priceless as he studied the tests for 30seconds then turned to me and asked what do they mean...I was like are you kidding they mean I'm pregnant!!  He was dumbfounded, asking shouldn't both lines be dark...I told him know they didn't have to be and since it was so early that's the reason why (I don't know why he couldn't remember but we went through the same thing when I found out I was pregnant with Peyton, I was 3w5d with her when I got the BFP).  Then he hugged me tight and started crying...and I did too.  It was so sweet and so loving.  We had been trying for so long...

It was then time to tell the big sister...I told Peyton there was a baby in mommy's tummy and that in a few months she would have her very own live baby to play with at home.  Peyton has been asking for a baby for so long and I teared up while she quizzically asked "there's a baby in your belly button?"  She is going to make the best big sister and the part I am most excited about is seeing her with the baby.  It melts my heart.  Seriously.

We waited to tell...waited to spread the news.  I wanted to actually "miss" my period before we started blabbing it all over the place.  Though when Thursday rolled around I knew I wanted and had to tell my best friend.  First, I tell her everything and second, we were at our county fair where beer is consumed and I knew she would want to know why I wasn't having one hahaha!  We we told our best friends, my #1 and her husband.  But waited still to tell our parents...I wanted to be sure. 

So Sunday night we went to dinner and Walmart then stopped at his parents to spread the news. 

Side story: my mother-in-law had a dream a month ago that my sister-in-law(who is due in due in December) was having a boy and that I was pregnant with a boy but didn't know it yet.  On Monday I found out I was pregnant and my sister-in-law confirmed she was in fact having a boy.  So we are signing my mother-in-law up for the psychic network haha!

Then once we left my in-laws we went to my parents to do the same.  All the grandparents are beside themselves and we are too.  From there I started texting all our extended family and friends sharing our news.

It's such an exciting time telling everyone we are expecting...I love the feeling. 

Also, God blessed me with being pregnant during the winter this time...winning!! ;)

But in all seriousness God has blessed my family with this wonderful bundle of joy and we could not be more happy to welcome him or her into this world to make our life complete.  It is more than I can express in words.  And all I can really do is thank Him.

So get ready for updates and probably some whining about our journey with Baby Holt #2...who is going to make a debut April 20, 2013!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Peyton Update

I am not a consistant blogger.  I just really don't feel like my life is that interesting to post every day.  But there is one thing that I think is noteworthy...and here it is.

We have a winner folks...Peyton is potty trained!!  It happened fully during my vacation the second week in July. She had been doing ok with peepee but the #2 was an issue.  And low and behold while I was home with her it just clicked (reason 546 that I wish I could stay at home or at least only work part-time).  Now we still do pull ups at night because I'm just not ready for middle of the night wakes ups to go pee which I don't think she would wake up, then I don't have time to change wet sheets in the morning before work.  A couple of time Mommy has forgotten to put the pull-up on her and she has done great waking up dry but I just don't, or didn't want to chance it. 

However, starting next week I think we are going to go with panties at night.  Peyton still has the occasional- held it too long accident, but recently the dry pull-ups have stopped and she has become lazy.  Lazy in the fact that instead of going potty in the morning when she wakes up she just goes in the pull-up.  I know too much info right? But I digress...

The fact of the matter is Peyton has gone from training to trained, and I couldn't be happier!!